


As most know once you give your life to Christ changes don’t happen all at once, overnight…its a process that takes changing, unlearning, and letting go of some things that used to be part of you. One thing I’ve learned throughout my walk with Christ is Continue reading “#LetTheOldMeGo2016”

What happens when you say yes to God.

Often times, especially in our younger days, we find it hard to believe that God expects us to live according to His word. We think that we still have a whole life ahead of us or that we can be like our parents or other Christian figures and get saved in our late 20s, early 30s but Continue reading “What happens when you say yes to God.”

Hello 2016.

Happy New Year! It’s such a blessing to be able to say I made it. Through the good, the bad, the good times, and the hard times…we all made it. 2015 taught me sooooo much about myself, life , and my walk with Christ and I am so Continue reading “Hello 2016.”


It’s been quite some time since my last blog post. In these last few weeks I have thought a lot about consistency, so I decided to write a short post about it. We pick things up and enjoy them until we either get tired of it or find something better. We do things as long as they’re convenient for us. For me this blog was that thing. I was consistent until life started happening. Continue reading “Consistency.”


There is a season for everything! ( Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) There are seasons that we all have to go through to become the people we are ultimately suppose to be. We always long for the good things in life and we dread the bad. Sometimes we are put in situations that we aren’t happy with or aren’t getting our way with, but we have to learn to embrace those bad times. Continue reading “Seasons.”

One More Time Can’t Hurt…

“One more time can’t hurt” was probably one of the biggest lies I told myself when I was wrapped up in my sin. This really kept me in bondage and attached to all of my bad habits. The more I said “one more time”, the more of a joke I became. The reality of it was, that never ending cycle of sin would have never ended had I not made “one last time” actually the last time.  Continue reading “One More Time Can’t Hurt…”

Dear Queen

Dear Queen,

From one Queen to another, you are extraordinary. You are extraordinary even amongst many. You are extraordinary even if you don’t fit into what society says is beyond ordinary. Your hair, your skin, your body, your flaws, your imperfections…extraordinary.

You are not who he says you are, you are who He says you are. You were worth dying for; a man gave His life for you. You are not those late nights. Continue reading “Dear Queen”

So You Want To Be Saved?

Growing up in the church I was always told all you have to do accept Jesus into your life and believe..then you are saved. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you are saved.” Romans 10:9 Of course you can be saved by a confession of your tongue but that will only take you so far. You can’t just make that confession and continue to live your life as you please. The most common thing we say or hear people says is that “God knows our hearts.” The scary thing about that statement is that it is so true but the real question is what is in your heart? Read More

Let That Hurt Go.

Too often we allow people and events from our past to consume our minds and consume the time that we can put toward something else. I’m sure everybody has been hurt by somebody at some point in their lives. Rather it was a random, your family, a friend…everybody has been hurt. We tend to dwell on this hurt and allow it to stop us from moving forward and moving on with our lives. When I’m hurt I turn into a Petty individual with a capital P but luckily I’m learning to start letting things go. Read More

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