Too often we allow people and events from our past to consume our minds and consume the time that we can put toward something else. I’m sure everybody has been hurt by somebody at some point in their lives. Rather it was a random, your family, a friend…everybody has been hurt. We tend to dwell on this hurt and allow it to stop us from moving forward and moving on with our lives. When I’m hurt I turn into a Petty individual with a capital P but luckily I’m learning to start letting things go. I’ve learned that holding on to things that have already happened does me no good. I can’t change what happened, the only thing I can do is forgive and put it in God’s hands! “14 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15

For those who have been hurt by family

Family are those people we just cannot choose. A lot of times family are the very people who hurt us the most and cut us the deepest. I know from experience that holding on to that baggage does damage to nobody but yourself! We have to all learn to forgive those people who got it wrong, the people who weren’t there, the people who were there but might as well have not been, the people who lied, the people who abandoned you, the people who told you that you couldn’t, the people who did more wrong in your life than they ever did right. I will be the first to say that forgiving is not the easiest thing to do, especially when that hurt comes from the very people who are suppose to help heal the pain that other things and people cause. I’m telling y’all to let it go and forgive. It took me nearly losing the person I had the most unforgiveness for, for me to realize that it’s not worth it. God can heal you no matter how bad things may look. You’re not obligated to like your family but you are obligated to love them and loving them isn’t holding grudges and holding the past over their head. Remember that you always have someone that sticks closer than a brother, mother, father, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc! One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 

For those who have been hurt by a guy, relationship, etc.

People are not always going to see your worth. More specifically, guys aren’t always going to see your worth. As crazy as it may sound 9 times out of 10 we can save ourselves from the heartache. We see the signs…then look the other way and ignore them. But let’s be honest, the majority of the relationship issues we have come from relationships that aren’t Christ centered in the first place. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 to know what real love is. Regardless, we all know being hurt is no fun and the first thing we should do is look in the mirror and realize that it’s not you. Granted we ALL have things we can work on but that isn’t an excuse for a guy to treat you badly. In spite of it all forgive him then thank God for removing that random from your life, you dodged a bullet. We are way too valuable to be settling for anything less than the absolute best .If he wants to leave let him leave and move on with your life. It’s better to lose someone who wasn’t worth it to begin with than stick around, short changing yourself. Your value and worth never goes up or down based on someone’s inability to see it. Forgive him, straighten out your crown, and keep it moving.

For those who have been hurt by friends 

I know this feeling alllll too well. God really had to work on my heart with this one. I have always been one of those “throw it away” people that would cut you off in a split second but over the years that has changed a lot. Even recently I’ve been in situations where I probably should’ve cut the person off but I didn’t. I’ve learned not to put my trust in man but in God therefor nothing people do comes as a surprise to me. The truth of the matter is hurt people, hurt people. You never know why someone is in your life or why you’re in someone else’s life. Forgive that friend for whatever they did and if the friendship is worth it, move on from it. If the friendship isn’t worth it then forgive and love them from a distance. I’m not saying let people do you wrong and stick around but I am saying try to seek God in your relationships and let him tell you when to cut people off or even when not to let people in your life.

Like they always say not forgiving someone is like drinking poison waiting on the other person to die. When it’s all said and done you forgive for yourself so what sense does it make to hold on to hurt that is only holding you back. We are our worst enemies when it comes down to progression. If you are hurt let that person know that they hurt you. Sometimes people don’t even know. Even if you forgive and separate yourself from those people or that person…don’t let that hurt turn into hate.Stop letting bitterness, pettiness, and unforgiveness keep you stagnant or stop you from going to the next level in your life.

Grudges are for the weak. Seek God and ask him to give you a forgiving heart as well as the strength to forgive those who have done you wrong. Forgive because you are constantly forgiven. Don’t let those people and things sit idle in your mind. Do yourself a favor and let that hurt go. I’m telling you, you don’t want to miss out on blessings and opportunities because of unforgiveness. You have so many blessings waiting for you! Forgive and love the people who have hurt you, then move on with your life! Greater days lie ahead, greater blessings, greater people, and greater lessons.

P.S. Don’t worry there will be a post soon enough about taking responsibility when you’ve hurt others.

God Bless,