Growing up in the church I was always told all you have to do accept Jesus into your life and believe..then you are saved. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you are saved.” Romans 10:9 Of course you can be saved by a confession of your tongue but that will only take you so far. You can’t just make that confession and continue to live your life as you please. The most common thing we say or hear people says is that “God knows our hearts.” The scary thing about that statement is that it is so true but the real question is what is in your heart?

When you accept Christ into your life you are reborn, redeemed, forgiven, and set free! (Ephesians1:7) You are free from every stronghold, every demon, every temptation, everything! Everything from you past, everything that you were, the person you used to be, the things you use to do are dead. In the flesh when something dies, you rid of it. You have to do the same thing when you are reborn. You have to go blind to your old behaviors, old ways of thinking, and old ways of acting. Then you have to allow God to fill you up and give you a heart after His own.

People perish due to lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) You have to stay in the word! Any answers to questions and concerns you may have is in the word. God literally left us a whole life manual with an abundance of answers, parables, messages, etc. He left us instructions on how to live in this world and not be of it. There’s no possible way to live as a follower of Christ without knowing how Christ lived or better yet how he instructs us to live. Living for Christ is about more than religion, it’s about a relationship. What good is it to say that you are saved, go to church, etc but not have a real relationship with Christ? Stop lying trying to make other people think you have it all together, it makes no difference if your heart and life don’t line up with the word of God.

Communication is key to any and every relationship, the same applies to Christ. Prayer is your way of communicating with Christ. It will not work if you aren’t constantly going before God in genuine prayer and conversation.Stay in your prayer closet and stay before God. Prayer is powerful and prayer changes things! Prayer can break addictions, prayer can fix your circumstance, prayer can break those chains that you are struggling with, prayer can make miracles happen! As long as you are praying with a sincere heart, there is no right or wrong way for you to pray. Even though He knows your heart He still wants to hear your words and hear you crying out for Him. (1 Timothy 2:1-2, James 5:16, Proverbs 15:29, Psalm 145:18)

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”  Romans 12:2 We are only temporarily on this earth, so we should act that way. I’ve learned that as a Christian you can’t do everything that everybody does. Even when the world says it’s right, if it does not line up with the word of God it is wrong. Stop allowing society and every other unsaved person tell you what you can and cannot do. You are an extraordinary individual that was not created to blend in with ordinary people. Christianity is not a comfortable lifestyle but one thing I’ve learned is that it is worth it! I would be lying if I said that I’ve never thought about going back to the ways that I’ve let go of because I do. I’m not perfect but I’ve learned that when I am weak, God is able to do great things through those weaknesses.

The truth of the matter is the world isn’t getting any better but one thing that I can say is that God is the same God yesterday, today, and everyday after. I want to encourage everybody reading this to get right with God, really get right with God. And if your main concern is what other people will think of you then chileeee you need to be praying that God frees you from the opinions of others. We’ve all played church long enough. Luke warm Christians might as well not serve God at all. Be honest with yourself, if you were to leave earth in the next 3 seconds where would you be spending eternity? You are never too much for God and there’s nothing you could ever do to make him love you any less. Accept Christ into your life, get into a good church, surround yourself with Christlike people, and chase after God like never before. The love of God is forever great. He loves you enough to love you all the way to heaven or hell. You’re never too much for God and always enough. Make the decision to make today the last day you live without a true relationship with Christ.

God Bless,
Unashamed Queen