There is a season for everything! ( Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) There are seasons that we all have to go through to become the people we are ultimately suppose to be. We always long for the good things in life and we dread the bad. Sometimes we are put in situations that we aren’t happy with or aren’t getting our way with, but we have to learn to embrace those bad times.

I am a living witness that sometimes things have to go left before they go right. My walk with Christ is a prime example. I have had to go through periods where God literally had to strip me of the things that are not of him. It has been painful, uncomfortable, but most definitely necessary for me to get to where I need to be in Christ. From those periods of time, I can say that mentally and spiritually I am in a much better state. I’m currently in a season to help and guide others and because I’ve gone through the seasons that I have, I’m definitely more equipped to do so. I’ve learned that some seasons are not necessary for you but necessary for you to be able to help someone else.

Being uncomfortable is part of growing. There are going to be seasons in your walk that God literally has to strip you of desires, things, thoughts, anything that is in your mind and especially your heart that isn’t of him. There are going to be seasons where you will lose people, there are times where you will feel like this is all for nothing. Instead of running and screaming for God to get you out of the season that you’re in pray that he gives you the strength to endure that season. There will be seasons that you are in for weeks and there are also seasons that you will be in for months. Regardless of the length, they are all equally as important. Once you come out of seasons you’ll realize that had you not gone through them, there’s no way you would have made it through the next one.

Please know that you won’t be in a season if He didn’t think that it was absolutely necessary. God already has a perfect will for your life…He knows what He’s doing! Every season is necessary for the seasons that are to come. Think of your life like a sports team..there is a certain season or off-season that the coaches are getting the teams ready for the actually playing season. These teams spend this time in preparation for the season that is coming up. Imagaine if teams just went season to season with no time in between for practice or correction…they probably would never improve nor grow. God is using the season you are in today, no matter how uncomfortable or painful, to get you prepared for the next season.

Seasons of life are the same as seasons of this earth. When in the season we typically complain about the heat or complain about the cold…until the next season comes. The fall and winter make us appreciate the summer while the summer makes us appreciate the winter and fall. Regardless, they’re all necessary and give some kind of benefit. Now, I can honestly say that I thank God for every season He has had me in regardless if I was there for 2 weeks or 2 months. I believe that life happens exactly how it’s suppose to happen. Even when we make plans for ourselves we have to remember that our steps are already ordered. (Psalm 37:23) We put so much faith in our parents, partners, friends, etc but we have the hardest time putting faith in the all-knowing, most high. I dare you to walk by faith and trust that God knows exactly what He is doing with your life. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

God Bless,
Unashamed Queen