It’s been quite some time since my last blog post. In these last few weeks I have thought a lot about consistency, so I decided to write a short post about it. We pick things up and enjoy them until we either get tired of it or find something better. We do things as long as they’re convenient for us. For me this blog was that thing. I was consistent until life started happening. I got wrapped up in school, my organization, trials, etc. and completely let my blog go. It was no longer convenient.

Consistency is the down fall for many of us in our relationship with Christ, school, and life itself. We go to a conference or church, hear this word that seems to be directly from God, began to follow Christ…then we stop. That fire and driving force isn’t enough. Then we find that we are no longer consistent in our prayer lives or with reading our bibles. In school, we start the year off saying we’re gonna get all A’s, study every night, an so on…then do the complete opposite. We are consistent with things for a short period of time, then we fall back into habits.

The greatest people aren’t the people who were jacks of many trades. The greatest people known were people who were consistent in what they did. To be a “great” Christian you have to be consistent. Even during the times where you don’t feel like it. I personally have gone through phases where I would tell myself that I needed to go pray or get in the word and then blatantly do the opposite. During those times, I could look at my life and see everything falling apart. I know this was due to my lack of consistency. I’m not the same person when I’m not constantly praying, in my word, and seeking God. When we let up, we make room for the enemy to slide in and attack our lives. When we aren’t praying like we should be or seeking God like we should be we can’t hear from Him. Then we’ll find ourselves falling into old habits, dabbing back into the enemy’s temptations, and slowly reverting to the people we used to be.

I believe that walking with Christ is one of the most difficult things I’ve done. If I can be consistent in my walk, I can be consistent in anything else. Be consistent in your walk with Christ. There’s no more time or room for luke-warm Christians. Get on your face before God. Seek Him in all that you do. Christ-like individuals are not the majority. Times aren’t getting better. Lives need to be changed. You could very well be the person who plants a seed that saves someone’s soul. This is bigger than you and me.

God Bless,
Unashamed Queen