As most know once you give your life to Christ changes don’t happen all at once, overnight…its a process that takes changing, unlearning, and letting go of some things that used to be part of you. One thing I’ve learned throughout my walk with Christ is that some people, mainly people of the world, cannot let go of the person that I used to be. No matter how much I grow and transform there will always be that few that are still stuck on the fact that I used to be a hot mess in love with the things of this world. “She’s all saved now but I remember when she used to do ___________ and ______________.” Great.

For the first months of my walk I really struggled with completely releasing and letting go of that person that I used to be. I was surrounded by the same people who constantly reminded me of the things I used to do, the parties I used to go to, and everything else. I eventually grasped the concept that once you give your life to Christ the old you is dead. You have no reason to feel condemned or attached to someone you use to be regardless of what people may say or bring up. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death Romans 8:1-2. 

Most of the time when people can’t accept the person you are it’s because they are intimidated or feel convicted by the person you have become. And it’s not even you as a person, it’s what lives inside of you. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19. The truth of the matter is most people have a desire to live for Christ but can’t seem to let go of the world because they love the things of the world too much…we’ve all been there. To them, rather they’ll admit it or not, our walks with Christ are admirable. Surround yourself with Christ-minded people who TRULY love you! (1 Corinthians 13) Those are going to be the people who will encourage you, they won’t keep record of all the things that you did wrong, and they most definitely will always encourage and remind you that God makes all things new.

Today I want to encourage you to let go of any opinions that may have held you back or are keeping you attached to your past. Don’t allow the negativity of other people or other people’s opinions of you to bring you down. God truly knows your heart and as long as you are pursuing Him wholeheartedly…let them talk. Let them bring up your past so you can hit them with that “…but God!” My past no longer bothers me nor am I ashamed when people bring it up. The person I used to be compared to the person I am today just shows how great our God is and how He can turn ANY mess into a message.

The moment we give our lives to Christ is the moment that all of the things from our past are erased. Don’t allow the world or people of the world to keep you from moving forward. Like I always say people’s opinions can’t get you to heaven. Pray and ask God to free you from the opinions of other people. You will live a miserable life trying to please man or make man really believe that you really are a new being in Christ. “…but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12 Focus on pushing forward and keep pursuing Christ. Let go of your past and NEVER allow anybody to tell you that your aren’t valuable because of your past. You are valuable, loved, and essential to the Kingdom. One of my absolute favorite songs is Moving Forward x Israel Houghton, listen to it and be encouraged!

P.S. You can always message me with any prayer request, questions, or thoughts.