

Soul Ties.

Believe it or not everything in the Bible has purpose. We don’t listen and then wonder why we end up heart broken or in situations we don’t want to be in. As much as I lied to myself, I finally began to understand that soul ties are real! (1 Corinthians 6:12-20) Soul ties are intimate bonds to another human being. Read More


No matter how far you think you’ve come there will always be temptation when you are living for Christ. These temptations will come from the very people, places, and things that you love.

For me overcoming and fighting temptation is not easy! I’m constantly having a spiritual fight with my flesh trying to withstand my temptations. Luckily I’ve found a few ways that have helped my deal with my temptations and make fighting them a little easier:  Read More

Unashamed Queen.

February 8, 2015 was the day I said yes! I said yes to my savior, I said yes to walking into my God given purpose, I said yes to being fully known and fully loved. This has been the greatest decision I’ve made in my life. It’s a joy that is refreshing, a peace that is overwhelming, and a love that is indescribable.The journey thus far has most definitely been a challenge. There are days that I get up ready to kill my flesh and surrender to Christ and then there are other days where I literally crave the things of the world. Read More

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